Justice League Superhero Soakers Superman正義聯盟 超人甩水布偶
Product code: 382454
Zoggs Justic League Superhero Soakers are designed to encourage confidence and get little ones used to the feel of water, particularly on their face and arms. The 3 colourful characters are Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman! They can also be used as splashers for a super fun pool game. Start off by using them at bath time so that when your baby goes swimming for the first time they have a familiar toy with them.
正義聯盟超級英雄吸水公仔 - 超人
,特別是臉部和手臂。 3個色彩繽紛的人物是超人,蝙蝠俠和神奇女俠!
詳細內容 Details
- Suitable for ages 3 months +
- Soft fabric construction
- Quick drying
- 適合3個月以上的人士
- 柔軟的針織物料
- 快乾