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Zoggs Performance Tiger - 猛虎型成人游泳鏡 461095 BKTQCLR

Zoggs Performance Tiger - 猛虎型成人游泳鏡 461095 BKTQCLR


Item#: 461095 BKTQCLR

Size: Adults


General purpose one piece universal fit goggle offering easy adjustment, comfort and durability


Silicone - Creates a long-lasting personalised seal around your eyes, for a unique leakfree fit. Designed to provide even pressure distribution across your face. Silicone hypo-allergenic to avoid skin irritation and phthalate free.

Curved Lens Technolocy (CLT) offers the swimmer 180° degree peripheral vision and crystal clear clarity. Ideal for swimming in a crowd, or with others in your lane. 


UV Protection - Zoggs includes UV protection as a standard feature on all goggles. As well as our standard UV360, we have introduced UV400 maximum protection
which blocks 99%-100% of the sun’s harmful UV rays, to ensure swimming is as safe
as it is enjoyable.


Anti-Fog - Fogbuster offers extra moisture control for real clarity of vision, and a stress free swim.


Double Strap - Our double band head straps also feature an easy adjust system, made using high quality silicone for comfort and durability


Quick Adjust - Our quick adjust system is fast and secure, the easiest way to get just the right fit.



矽膠物料 - 在您眼睛周圍形成持久的個人化密封,形成獨特的防漏緊貼能力。 能為您的臉部提供均勻的壓力分佈。 所用的矽膠是低過敏性,可避免刺激皮膚,且不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽 (有害物質)。
曲面鏡片技術 (CLT) 為游泳者提供 180° 周邊視覺和加強清晰度。 非常適合在多人游泳中使用,或與其他人一起在同一游泳道中游泳。
紫外線防護 - Zoggs 將紫外線防護作為所有游泳鏡的標準功能。 除了我們的標準 UV360,我們還推出了 UV400 最大防護
可阻擋 99%-100% 的太陽有害紫外線,確保游泳安全
Anti-Fog - Fogbuster 提供額外的濕度控制,以實現真正清晰的視線和無壓力下游泳。

雙鏡帶設計 - 雙帶鏡設計具有易於調節的功能,採用優質矽膠製成,舒適耐用

快速調整設計 - 我們的快速調整設計能快速、安全,獲得合適緊貼度的最簡單方法。

Colours: Black
  • 詳細內容 Details



    • Soft silicone seal for comfort and fit
    • General purpose one piece universal fit goggle offering easy
    adjustment, comfort and durability


Fine Arts Enterprises (HK) Limited

Flat D, 2/F, Tower A, Tung Chun Industrial Building

9-11 Cheung Wing Road, Kwai Chung Tel: 2484 9220   WhatsApp 6015 0755

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